Whoever coined the phrase, no news is good news, evidently was not a commodity trader as the bears in the grain/soy complexes continue to dominate the action. That said, we have a token amount of fresh news this morning courtesy of the weekly export sales report, but despite an uptick…
Daily Comments
By no means did I intend to publish abbreviated comments this morning, but in light of the fact there is virtually no fresh market-impacting news around, that has turned out to be the result. Much of the market’s focus will have now shifted to planting weather, but even here, we…
Daily Comments
The amount of corn that U.S. farmers planted last week doubled. Of course, it sounds less impressive when you say we are 6% complete versus 3% the previous week. A few more midwestern states have now joined Illinois. Indiana has planted 1%, Iowa 4%, Nebraska 2%, Wisconsin 1%, and Minnesota…
Daily Comments
The rally we witnessed last Friday across the grain/soy markets now appears to have been a one-hit-wonder, inspired by the uncertainty surrounding the volatile situation in the Mideast. While that region remains in flux, seeing there has been no significant escalation, we appear to have a bit of a risk-off…
Daily Comments
While I would stop short of actually referring to the number published yesterday by the USDA as bearish, they tended to lean negative, and the grain and soy markets responded in kind. We witnessed little to no follow-through in the overnight trade and, in fact, have recovered some ground, suggesting…